
Does REBUFFINI has a factory outlet in Casazza?
REBUFFINI has not a factory outlet, but its own store in Casazza (Bergamo) where you can find the full range of products made by the brand at the standard selling price.
Does REBUFFINI sell second quality products with small defects at a lower price?
REBUFFINI does not offer the second choice. Any manufacturing defects are in fact identified by the quality control of the company and completely revised during the manufacturing phase. REBUFFINI conforms fully to the standard procedure of the Automotive Industry.
Are REBUFFINI products produced in Italy?
All REBUFFINI brand products are produced exclusively in Italy, Casazza (Bergamo). In some cases, the raw materials are of foreign origin: Switzerland for aluminum and United States for forged wheels.
Can I buy a REBUFFINI product directly by the company?
REBUFFINI sells to the end users too, anywhere in the world. To purchase you can browse our product catalog (https://www.rebuffini.com/products) and make the order by e-mail to sales@rebuffini.com. Our staff will respond in real time by providing indications of availability, delivery timing and method of payment.
Can I have a personalized product?
The customer may request a free consultation about customizing a piece to our technical staff. REBUFFINI will then produce the personalized item based on the needs of their customer without going to affect the performance. For further information: see customized products section.
For more details and to request a consultation: tech@rebuffini.com
How can I place an order?
After choosing your accessory in the catalog (https://www.rebuffini.com/products) simply send an e-mail to sales@rebuffini.com or send a fax to +39035824563 with indication of your selection part . The REBUFFINI staff will verify the request and provide information about the availability, delivery times and payment methods.
What type of payment is accepted?
You can buy REBUFFINI products through credit cards (VISA, Euro / Master Card ), Paypal , bank transfer in advance (Banca Popolare di Bergamo – Agency Casazza – IBAN IT 43 G 05428 52790 000000004860 BIC / SWIFT BEPOIT21200 ACCOUNT N . 4860) and cash on delivery (only on the national territory).
Which is the delivery time for a product?
Delivery times will depend on the type of products you will order. If, on average, the delivery of a product is processed within 2-3 days from the order date, in the case of customized product the timing is about 3-4 weeks.
Can I proceed an eventual return of a product?
The procedure involves that the returns, previously authorized in writing by REBUFFINI following a request, must be made within 10 days from delivery date. Only products purchased directly from REBUFFINI may be return directly to the Mother House. For more details: Terms and Conditions of Sale (https://www.rebuffini.com/terms-and-conditions)
How do I maintain my chromed finish product?
REBUFFINI recommends the usage of Luster Lace polishes after each ride. Clean your bike often to remove contaminates that eat your chrome. High speed and long distances on dirty roads have the same effect as sandblasting you product. Before covering your bike during winter season, clean carefully each chrome parts.
Which REBUFFINI products have a TÜV report?
REBUFFINI products with a TÜV report have got the TUV approved icon (have a look to our legend in the REBUFFINI parts section) .
Which brake oil fluid have I to use with your controls?
You must use for all REBUFFINI master cylinders exclusively DOT 4 brake fluid. REBUFFINI recommends BELRAY DOT 4. Do not use DOT 5 brake fluid.
Have I used the wrong oil fluid (DOT 5) and I have a problem with my brake master cylinder. Can you help me?
Risciacquare accuratamente tutto il circuito frenante con l’olio corretto DOT 4 o 5.1. REBUFFINI raccomanda l’utilizzo di BELRAY DOT 4. Per ricevere ulteriori informazioni contattare il nostro reparto tecnico tramite e-mail a tech@rebuffini.com.
Have I changed my injection module and the exhaust system on my Harley-Davidson™, can I install one of your air cleaners ?
Yes, of course. All our air cleaners have got 3 inner filter element options so that you can install our air cleaners with the super air flow filter element without remap your controller. For additional info, do not hesitate to contact our technical dept. at tech@rebuffini.com.